8 Best Esthetician Schools in Hawaii 2024 | How to Apply


Estheticians’ schools in Hawaii offer a selection of courses to help aspiring estheticians specialize in all the techniques and tools available to provide the best skin care services. 

Aesthetics schools in Hawaii require students to be at least 16 years old and have a high school diploma or GED to enroll in their programs. 


They provide students with the knowledge needed to assess clients’ skin, recommend procedures, provide skin care treatments, apply cosmetics, and care for skin conditions.

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How Many Hours of Cosmetology Schools in Hawaii?

Esthetics students in Hawaii attend a minimum of 600 hours at an accredited esthetics school or complete 1,200 hours as an apprentice with a licensed cosmetologist or esthetician. 

The Hawaii Board of Barbering and Cosmetology licenses cosmetologists in Hawaii as “beauty operators.”  Graduates of esthetics schools and apprenticeships take a written and practical exam after completing their studies to obtain a license.

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How Much are Esthetician Schools in Hawaii?

Hawaii’s cosmetology schools exist in a different world than those in the continental United States. Still, they are second to none when teaching students the finer points of cutting and styling. 

With an average tuition cost of $14,902 per program, education doesn’t come cheap, but some of these schools offer great deals, and any of them can help you learn the style skills of a lifetime!

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What Do Esthetician Schools Consist of in Hawaii?

Cosmetology programs in Hawaii lead to certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees.  Programs can be completed in two years or less.  In addition to classroom learning, students spend hours in clinical settings honing their skills. 

Study and work opportunities may be available for some students.  Specializations are also available, allowing students to tailor their education to the job they hope to get.

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How to Become an Esthetician in Hawaii

  • Your first step toward becoming a licensed esthetician is to attend an esthetician training program where you learn about health standards, techniques, products, and the business side of health, beauty, and skincare.
  • Hawaii also recognizes apprenticeships as a legal pathway to fulfilling your education and training requirements.  You can apply to train at a licensed spa or beauty salon. 
  • You must complete at least 1,200 hours of apprenticeship to meet Hawaii’s licensing requirements.
  • Once you graduate from cosmetology school in Hawaii, you can complete and submit a cosmetology operator form and a temporary permit form.
  • Once your application is approved, you will be eligible to take the licensing exam administered by the Hawaii Board three times a year: in January, May, and October. 
  • Prometric administers the licensing exam.  You will receive an “approval letter” with a Prometric “exam registration” form.  If you qualify, you are responsible for planning and taking this exam.
  • After you apply, you will receive an “Admission Ticket” in the mail, which will tell you when and where your exam is scheduled.  After taking the exam, your results will be mailed to you within two (2) weeks. 
  • Once you receive a passing score on your exam, all you need to do is submit any parts of the exam and your license application or remaining fees, and you will be issued your Hawaii Esthetician license!

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What are the Best Esthetician Schools in Hawaii 2023?

After thorough research, rankings, reviews, and value offers, we have curated a list of the best esthetician schools in Hawaii, their requirements, cost and how to apply to these schools.

#1 Hawaii Institute of Hair Design – Honolulu

The Hawaii Institute of Hair Design is an institution in Honolulu that has trained local stylists since World War II and, therefore, is one of the best esthetician schools in Hawaii. 

The professionally managed school easily achieves our learning trifecta, graduating more than half of its students within 12 months, placing 81 percent of them immediately into the industry, and doing all this while keeping its debt under control—the only school in Hawaii to achieve all of these marks. 

It does this by charging below-average tuition and accepting veterans’ benefits. A strong emphasis on learning hair-cutting techniques, with more than 200 stylish haircuts required before graduation, is a hallmark of the school.


#2 Honolulu Community College Cosmetology Program – Honolulu

Also on our list is another program that offers great value from an unlikely source: Honolulu Community College’s cosmetology program offers a degree or certificate at less than half the cost of the next cheapest program in the state! 

The college offers scholarships and the opportunity to use the G.I. Bill of Rights. More than half of all students graduate on time, and the college’s career services department is ready to help you find a job after graduation.


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#3 Makana Esthetics Wellness Academy – Honolulu

At the Makana Esthetics Wellness Academy, you will learn professional techniques for performing facial care procedures; body wraps, and makeup applications. 

You will learn about customer service and maintaining a professional image during your courses.  While learning techniques and providing customer service, you can enjoy the excellent facilities of Makana Academy. 

You’ll also receive career coaching to help you land your ideal esthetician position upon graduation. Makana Academy blew us away with its “advanced programs,” which offer continuing education classes designed for licensed estheticians to brush up on the latest skin care techniques, including cutting-edge techniques like microdermabrasion and chemical peels.


#4  Honolulu Community College

Named after the city in which it is located, Honolulu Community College offers several options for students looking for a cosmetology school. 

This school offers the only cosmetology program in the University of Hawaii system. Before entering any cosmetology program, students must have a high school diploma or GED and meet some required English course requirements. 

Students who want to specialize in health and skin care can pursue an esthetician certificate, while students interested in the full spectrum of cosmetology can choose between an associate’s degree and a certificate. 

In total, cosmetology students enrolled at HCC spend at least 1,800 hours in lecture and clinical settings. Faculty members use an international learning strategy called Pivot Point, in addition to allowing students to work in a real salon environment.


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#5 Remington College – Honolulu

This college’s Honolulu campus offers a cosmetology degree program through the Paul Brown Institute. Students study materials such as hairstyles, haircuts, coloring, and general cosmetology through hands-on and classroom learning. 

They also learn about makeup application, product knowledge, anatomy and physiology, sanitation, inventory, and customer service. 

Tuition includes books and supplies; graduates receive a styling kit like rollers, combs, and flat irons. 

Remington cosmetology students learn to use Matrix cosmetics and can earn a specialty certificate after passing a series of assessments.


#6  Brown Institute at Remington College – Honolulu

The Paul Brown Institute believes that the key to success in cosmetology requires a desire to make others look and feel their best. 

The school strives to put this theory into practice with its students, with a team of industry-experienced teachers encouraging them to achieve their daily goals. 

It works: 70 percent of students graduate on time! Taking over from founder Paul Brown, the institute is also known for its philanthropic activities, donating time and services to community charities such as Goodwill.


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#7 IBS School of Cosmetology and Massage – Maui

Through the IBS School of Cosmetology and Massage, you will gain experience working with high-end brands such as MAC, Dermalogica, Youngblood, and Bombshell. 

Students can choose a full-time or part-time program to suit their needs.  You will study skin diseases, skin physiology, skin analysis, how to recommend treatment, makeup application, and hair removal techniques. 

You will also have the opportunity to learn advanced techniques such as milk peels and microdermabrasion.


#8 Paul Mitchell School – Honolulu

The Paul Mitchell School is the only major continental beauty school chain to come to Hawaii, but they’re already making waves on Honolulu’s style scene. 

Paul Mitchell’s classic haircut system is a new trend for the islands, but one that’s gaining popularity! Local salons snap up graduates, and 79 percent of students find work immediately after graduation. 

The school also contributes to the local community by participating in fundraising and charity events through its FUNraising campaigns. 

The school offers scholarships to deserving students and accepts VA benefits.



Because the program you choose can significantly impact your future, we’ve developed a series of rankings, including this list of the best cosmetology schools in Hawaii, to help you choose the best school. 

You can filter this list by location to find schools closest to you. In addition, in this article, you can compare your favorite educational institutions according to the factors that interest you the most.

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Esthetician Schools in Hawaii FAQs

How Much Do Beauticians Earn in Hawaii?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, beauticians in Hawaii earn an average annual salary of $42,990, excluding tips.  Hawaii has the largest concentration of cosmetology vacancies and jobs among all states.

Where Do Estheticians in Hawaii Work?

Entry-level beauty operators in Hawaii work in salons, spas, department stores, drugstores, beauty or cosmetic stores, doctor’s offices or clinics, and in the tourism industry at resorts and hotels.  Some estheticians have a home or mobile salon to provide services to clients in their own homes.

Which City in Hawaii is Most Suitable for Cosmetologists?

Honolulu ranks ninth in the number of jobs and jobs for skin care professionals among all U.S. metropolitan areas. 

Among non-metric U.S. territories, the rest of Hawaii has the second-highest concentration of employment for cosmetologists and the second-highest number of jobs and jobs.  The region boasts the third-highest average salary in the country outside of metropolitan areas, at an average of $51,930 a year, excluding tips.


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