Use Benchmarking to Make Data-Driven Decisions on School Performance


Benchmarking is a useful tool that you can use to measure your school performance. This can allow school leaders and administrators to make data-driven decisions on school performance and how to improve it.

There are various ways that benchmarking can be used to evaluate your school and make the right decisions to raise the school’s performance level in the future. These include comparing your school’s performance against national standards and/or against peer schools and evaluating your school’s performance over time.


Comparing school performance against national standards

It’s now easier than ever for school leaders to compare school performance against national standards. This is one way to identify both strengths and weaknesses in the overall educational curriculum and the teaching methods.

Through the data provided by standardised tests, school leaders can identify if students are falling below the national average. This will then help them to identify areas within the curriculum that are not producing the desired results.


This data will also allow teachers to evaluate their teaching methods in order to see where they can be improved in order to get better results from the students.

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Comparing school performance against peer schools

Although educational practices will vary in different countries around the world, they should have the same high standards in schools that are similar or those regarded as peer schools.


Therefore, when school leaders compare the data results for their own schools against peer schools, they should be able to easily identify if there are any learning gaps that need to be addressed.

Essentially, this allows for collaboration between schools to discuss best practices and to look for areas of improvement. Therefore, if a school’s students are performing below the average of similar schools in just one of the curriculum areas, improvements can be made in that area so that students are better able to grasp the subject material that is being taught.

Comparing school performance over time

Benchmarking can be an extremely useful tool to track how a school’s students are performing over time. By using the data provided by standardised testing, school leaders can determine whether any improvements that have been made to the curriculum are achieving the desired results.

Tracking data-driven results over time is the only way to validate whether changes to the curriculum and/or teaching methods have achieved the results that they were aimed at achieving.

On the other hand, if any improvements that have been made have not improved the school’s performance significantly enough, school leaders will need to identify why this has happened. This should then allow the school to take a closer look at the changes that have been made and try to discover why they are not producing the desired results.

Ultimately, with careful investigation, it should allow schools to make better improvements for the future.

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In Summary

By using benchmarking effectively, school leaders are better able to make data-driven decisions on how to improve school performance. By comparing their school’s results to other schools, both nationally and locally, education gaps can be identified and remedied accordingly.

In addition, benchmarking allows school leaders to track their school performance over time to ensure that any improvements made actually achieve the desired results.

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