8 Ways to Help Your Child Transition With Ease From the Foundation Stage to Year 1


In the British curriculum, students enrolled in the early year’s foundation stage (EYFS) learn through play and exploration.

Children enrolled in the EYFS of British curriculum schools in Dubai learn through games and other fun activities that help them grow physically, emotionally, and socially, develop their language, literacy, maths, and artistic skills, understand the world, and express themselves.


However, when your child completes FS2, they must move on to Year 1 of primary school, which has a more structured syllabus and learning environment. Because of this, your little one may have difficulties handling these changes.

Preparing your child for these changes and guiding them throughout the transition can help them overcome any hurdles they may encounter during their first year in primary school.


As such, you need to know the tips and strategies to help them transition smoothly and set them on the right path for a successful and memorable academic year.

Helping Your Child Transition Successfully to Year 1

Below are eight tips you can follow to pave the way for your child’s smooth transition to Year 1 of primary school:

1. Help your child be familiar with their learning environment.

One way to ease your child’s transition is by helping them get accustomed to their school and primary learning areas.


This is a tip you shouldn’t skip if your little one attends a new school for Year 1.

Before the start of classes, take your child to visit the school. Ask the staff to give you and your little one a campus tour.

Make sure you and your little one visit their classroom, playground, cafeteria, library and other areas where they spend their time. Introduce them to their teachers and other school staff as well.

This simple visit will help your child become more comfortable and reduce their anxiety about their new learning environment.

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2. Read age-appropriate books about starting school.

Books about starting school can help your child prepare for a new chapter in their life. However, make sure you choose ones that are appropriate for their age and address their concerns and emotions.

These types of stories can help your child relate to fictional characters who share their experiences and feelings, which can give them reassurance and a sense of normalisation.

While reading to your little one, talk about the story and encourage them to express their thoughts and concerns. Also, give them guidance based on the lessons conveyed.

Reading books with your child enhances their language and literacy skills. It also sparks meaningful conversations that can alleviate any worries or fears they may have about starting primary school.

3. Start establishing a school routine.

Maintaining a consistent routine is crucial in helping your child adjust to a new school year.

Before their classes start, gradually introduce a daily routine that aligns with the school schedule.

This means establishing regular waking up and bedtime routines, planning meals at similar times and setting schedules for play, reading and homework.

A consistent routine can give your child a sense of structure and stability, which can help them feel secure and confident when they start their first year of primary school.

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4. Enhance your child’s independence and self-help skills.  

Young independent learners with sufficient self-help skills are usually more confident and feel empowered to navigate the new academic year with confidence.

Encourage your little ones to dress, make their bed and organize their belongings independently. Continue teaching them self-help skills suitable for their age, such as feeding themselves, packing their bags, and tidying up.

These skills foster independence and instill a sense of responsibility in your child, preparing them for the increased expectations of primary school.

Also, celebrate your little one’s efforts and praise their achievements to boost their self-esteem and reinforce their ability to handle tasks independently.

5. Encourage social interactions.

Social skills are vital for a smooth transition to primary school.

As such, set up playdates with your child’s friends and other kids their (or near their) age. Bring them to playgrounds and other places to play and interact with other children.

Also, engage in role-playing games with school scenarios at home to help your little one practise socialising, taking turns and sharing. Lastly, encourage them to express their feelings and listen attentively to others.

By nurturing your young learner’s social skills, they can feel more comfortable making new friends and participating in classroom activities.

6. Communicate openly with the teachers.

Coordinating with your child’s teachers is essential in supporting their transition.

Attend orientations, parent-teacher meetings and any other events that allow you to interact with the teaching staff.

When speaking with your child’s teachers, share with them any concerns you may have.

By establishing a collaborative relationship with the teachers, you can gain valuable insights into your child’s progress and help them overcome any challenges they may face during the transition.

And when you work with the teachers to develop strategies that support your child’s specific needs, you can help them experience a smooth and successful transition to primary school.

7. Create a positive home-school connection.

Establishing a positive connection between your home and your child’s school creates a supportive environment for their transition.

Stay updated about school activities, events, and assignments and discuss them with your child. Volunteer and take more proactive roles during these gatherings.

Also, display your little one’s artwork or school projects at home to celebrate their achievements.

Being involved in your child’s school life shows them that you value their education and support their learning journey.

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8. Maintain a calm and supportive environment at home.

During the transition period, you need to create a calm and supportive atmosphere at home. Your child may experience a range of emotions at this stage, including excitement, nervousness, or resistance to change.

Your little one will need your support and level-headedness to deal with these emotions.

Encourage your child to talk about their feelings and offer reassurance. Acknowledge their concerns and share tips to address them.

By maintaining a positive and supportive environment, you can help alleviate your little one’s anxiety and build their confidence as they embark on their educational journey.

With your continuous support and guidance, your child can make the transition with confidence and enthusiasm, which can set a strong foundation for their educational journey ahead.

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